Your Foremost Value Adding Partner

Business partnering training
A workshop aimed at exposing line managers and hr managers to HR business partnering model that is widely used. Session will look at how to conduct a gap analysis to determine if it’s the right model for your organization as well as an implementation plan.
Target Group
GMs, Line managers and HR managers
Cultural integration training for expatriates
Research shows that expats/their families’ inability to adjust to their host country accounts for 25% of the reasons why expatriation fails. This session provides insights into how to adjust in the corporate and social setting of Ghana.
Target Group
Expats and their spouses. We recommend training be part of every company’s induction program.
Cultural reintegration training for returning Ghanaians
This session provides imminence into hoe the returning Ghanaian can adjust in both corporate and social settings of Ghana.
Target Group
Returning Ghanaians and their spouses. We recommend training be part of every company’s induction program
Job Hunting Skills
Why do all the hard work and blow the interview due to inadequate preparation? This training guides participants through CV writing, personal grooming and interview preparation.
Target Group
All job seekers. Employees who have not attended an interview in more than 5 years are encouraged to refresh their skills.
Career Counseling – Beginners
The longest serving Governor of the United States Federal Reserve Bank, Alan Greenspan read music in the University. Must one necessarily have a career in their field of study? How does one determine their career anchors and how they play in the market they operate in?
Target Group
Seniors in high school, new graduates, and national service personnel.
Career counseling-Mid career
Is it easy to change your profession in mid stream career? Does your current career facilitate changing to particular industries? What transferable skills do you have or must you acquire to make such a transition possible?
Target Group
Mid career professionals
Line management training
A workshop aimed at developing or sharpening line management skills in the areas of performance management, coaching and team building to maximize the performance of their direct reports and teams
Target Group
Line managers, Team Leaders
HR Manager capability training
A workshop aimed at developing HR manager skills in the areas of strategy, performance management, employee engagement and reward to support the entire company achieve its objectives through a structured approach.
Target Group
HR Managers & Administrators
Leadership and career planning training
A workshop aimed at developing line manager skills in the areas of leadership development, career planning and talent management.
Target Group
Line managers
Talent development and succession planning training
A workshop aimed at developing HR manager skills on how to effectively build a talent pipeline through talent development.
Target Group
HR Managers
Customer service training
A workshop aimed at sharpening customer service skills to deliver a uniform fantastic customer experience across your organization.
Target Group
Front office staff, tellers, waiters, relationship managers, etc.
Performance management and reward
A workshop aimed at developing HR/ Line that build delegates skills to position the organization as a preferred employer. It looks at techniques used to excite line managers to take an active role in doing this.
Target Group
Finance Managers, HR Managers, General Managers.
Introduction to personal financial management
workshops aimed at developing the personal financial management skills of employees to enable them manage their finances effectively. It covers budgeting, investment options, understanding of macroeconomic indicators and basic corporate finance.
Target Group
All, but newly married folks and new graduate will find it particularly useful.
Team building
A workshop aimed at building affinity among team members as well as expose team members techniques that will enable team to be more efficient.
Target Group
Organizations looking to take advantage of synergies within the team or organizations need to dial up team working.